My Second Liebster Blog Award!
1:32 PMこんにちは!

Another Liebster Blog Award for me! Yay!
Arya of The Certified Latebloomer nominated me for this one. Hello Arya, ありがとうございます! I suggest you guys do check out her very nice blog.
The Liebster Blog Award is given to showcase bloggers with fewer than 200 followers, and upon accepting the award the recipient must then pass it on. Basically for bloggers to get to know each other more. So let's get down to business! The rules are the same: List down 11 random facts about yourself. Answer 11 questions from the blogger who nominated you. Nominate 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers for this award. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
11 Random Facts About Me (different from my first one):
01. I do cosplay, though I still consider myself a newbie at it. I'm working on my third character now.
02. I probably can't last a day without listening to music. And BTW, my playlist has a lot more Japanese songs on it than English ones.
03. I suck at budgeting my moolah, hahaa...
04. This may sound childish, but I name some of my gadgets. Like Ai (my bass guitar) and Sakura (my digicam). Once I get my own DSLR, I'd name it Hitomi.
05. I'm a bit of a magazine hoarder. Especially Cosmopolitan, Candy, and some anime magazines.
06. I still dream of becoming part of a band and perform Japanese/anime songs at conventions.
01. I do cosplay, though I still consider myself a newbie at it. I'm working on my third character now.
02. I probably can't last a day without listening to music. And BTW, my playlist has a lot more Japanese songs on it than English ones.
03. I suck at budgeting my moolah, hahaa...
04. This may sound childish, but I name some of my gadgets. Like Ai (my bass guitar) and Sakura (my digicam). Once I get my own DSLR, I'd name it Hitomi.
05. I'm a bit of a magazine hoarder. Especially Cosmopolitan, Candy, and some anime magazines.
06. I still dream of becoming part of a band and perform Japanese/anime songs at conventions.
07. I'm kinda loyal when it comes to fragrances. I only use either Majolica Majorca's Majoromantica F or Silver Dust from herbench/.
08. I got a wide forehead, so I always have thick bangs to hide it.
09. I don't know how to drive, and I guess I'll never learn. If driving is only as easy as the ones in the arcade, LOL!
10. I used to be a lot more of a tomboy when I was a kid. Like, I had short, clean-cut hair and was given boyish clothes and toys.
11. My skin is sensitive to nickel jewelry/accessories.
11 Questions From Arya:
01. What's the last book you read
The last book I read and finished is Bake Sale Murder by Leslie Meier.
02. Your favorite song and band is
Oh my, I have loads of them! But the first one I thought of is The Beginning by ONE OK ROCK.
03. Where do you want to go for a vacation
Japan, hands down!
04. What's the silliest pose you did in a pic
My Sadako pose. Or my imitation of Gyaru poses, hahahaa...
05. What's your favorite shop
Saizen. Or any Japanese shop for that matter, eheheh~
06. When was the last time you wrote a whole paragraph using a pencil or pen
Argh! I can't remember for the life of me... Uhh, I guess on one of our exams at work.
07. Have you ever watch/read an anime/manga
Oh yeah! I live and breathe anime/manga. LOL! OK, that's an exaggeration.
08. Rainy or Sunny day
Sunny day all the way! As long as it's not that hot...
09. What's that one thing you can't live without
My eyeglasses or contact lenses.
10. Love or Money
Both! Kidding... Love. I'm a hopeless romantic y'know.
11. What inspires you to blog
My favorite bloggers. And all the things, people, and places I love.
11 Questions For My Nominees (same as my first one):
01. Favorite genre of music?
02. Do you watch anime? If so, what's your favorite?
03. Favorite makeup item?
04. What's one gadget you can't live without?
05. Ice cream or cake?
06. Do you play any musical instrument?
07. Any 'weird' habits?
08. If you were to make a 'soundtrack' of your life, what song will you include?
09. What country would you like to visit?
10. If you could change your name, what would it be?
11. Dream job?
My Nominees:
Hainrihi of Hainrihi's Discoveries
Ayumi Yamada of 美沙(~ミサ~)の世界 ♥o( ・ω・)o
Berry of ピンクの蝶
Mimikon of Under the Same Blue Sky
Hazel of Sparkling Bunny
Siena of Pastel Rave
Danitza of Nyan-Dany's Blog
Arra of My Cherry Purse
Reina Summers of Insanity
Jenniya of I Am Jenniya
08. I got a wide forehead, so I always have thick bangs to hide it.
09. I don't know how to drive, and I guess I'll never learn. If driving is only as easy as the ones in the arcade, LOL!
10. I used to be a lot more of a tomboy when I was a kid. Like, I had short, clean-cut hair and was given boyish clothes and toys.
11. My skin is sensitive to nickel jewelry/accessories.
11 Questions From Arya:
01. What's the last book you read
The last book I read and finished is Bake Sale Murder by Leslie Meier.
02. Your favorite song and band is
Oh my, I have loads of them! But the first one I thought of is The Beginning by ONE OK ROCK.
03. Where do you want to go for a vacation
Japan, hands down!
04. What's the silliest pose you did in a pic
My Sadako pose. Or my imitation of Gyaru poses, hahahaa...
05. What's your favorite shop
Saizen. Or any Japanese shop for that matter, eheheh~
06. When was the last time you wrote a whole paragraph using a pencil or pen
Argh! I can't remember for the life of me... Uhh, I guess on one of our exams at work.
07. Have you ever watch/read an anime/manga
Oh yeah! I live and breathe anime/manga. LOL! OK, that's an exaggeration.
08. Rainy or Sunny day
Sunny day all the way! As long as it's not that hot...
09. What's that one thing you can't live without
My eyeglasses or contact lenses.
10. Love or Money
Both! Kidding... Love. I'm a hopeless romantic y'know.
11. What inspires you to blog
My favorite bloggers. And all the things, people, and places I love.
11 Questions For My Nominees (same as my first one):
01. Favorite genre of music?
02. Do you watch anime? If so, what's your favorite?
03. Favorite makeup item?
04. What's one gadget you can't live without?
05. Ice cream or cake?
06. Do you play any musical instrument?
07. Any 'weird' habits?
08. If you were to make a 'soundtrack' of your life, what song will you include?
09. What country would you like to visit?
10. If you could change your name, what would it be?
11. Dream job?
My Nominees:
Hainrihi of Hainrihi's Discoveries
Ayumi Yamada of 美沙(~ミサ~)の世界 ♥o( ・ω・)o
Berry of ピンクの蝶
Mimikon of Under the Same Blue Sky
Hazel of Sparkling Bunny
Siena of Pastel Rave
Danitza of Nyan-Dany's Blog
Arra of My Cherry Purse
Reina Summers of Insanity
Jenniya of I Am Jenniya
I always think that it would be awesome and cool if I can make an opening soundtrack of Naruto :D Thanks Rin-chan
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, Naruto's soundtrack really rocks!