It's a Bear-y Lovely Day! ~

10:15 PM

And although I can't say the same for the most of my time at work, today's 'theme' of sorts made it more bear-able... Meheheheheh!

What I wore for work today. "Hugs for Life" panda shirt from American Blvd.


Hmm... Wonder what's inside the paper bag?

Love the funky and colorful design!

Tadah! Super-kawaii items I purchased from Gift Factory at Robinsons Galleria!

Waaiii! Watashi wa Rilakkuma to Korilakkuma ga daisuki desu!


...happily hanging on my, what else? Rilakkuma bag!

Aww... Totemo kawaii desshou?

Have a bear-y good night! Ja ne!

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