皆さん、お久しぶりです!私はまだ生きています! ~ヾ(^∇^)
Quick life update
Well, I'm still wondering how to cram 2-3 years worth of life update in a paragraph (or two) LOL... Nevermind 2018, it was 'meh' to say the least -- compared to 2016-17 where a lot happened. Anyway, I'm just gonna write about a few things for now, then the rest in a future post.
To sum it up, I finally pushed through my plans of formally studying 日本語 in January 2016, and took the bi-annual JLPT (日本語能力試験) until I passed N3 in December 2017. That exam was sort of memorable since it was just 2 days before our flight to Japan for our Tokyo trip, which was definitely the highlight of my 2017. I'm still debating with myself whether to write a detailed post about that trip or not, since it's been more than a year now, but I'd really love to share with you my Tokyo experience! Hmm, maybe I will... By the way, if you have any questions about my 日本語 journey, please feel free to comment down below. I'm actually considering creating a post specially for that in the future.
Also, as you can see in the photo above, I'm already a furmom to 3 dogs -- 1 toy poodle named Yumi, and 2 Siberian huskies named Kuroko (black and white) and Kaoru (copper and white, she's Kuroko's daughter). I miss having puppies at home...
I was able to play Final Fantasy XV last year, and my favorite character of course is that snobbish prince. I cried so much at the end though... It seems as if Square Enix likes torturing emotional players like me with their recent games (FF Type-0, anyone?)... That Noctis figure was a lucky purchase from Hubbyte Toy Store since I was able to get my hands on their last piece, and for the normal price too. Found out that this one's pretty rare now, and the price has even doubled already.
2018 also saw me deciding to wear my hair a bit shorter. Asian mullet is still my haircut of choice, but I ask my stylist to chop off around 3 inches whenever I go to the salon. I don't know... I loved rocking very long hair in the past but I find that having waist-length hair nowadays is a bit difficult to maintain, especially with my naturally dry and frizzy mane.
Do grammar books count? LOL. I currently have A Dictionary of Basic / Intermediate Japanese Grammar on my table, going through them first before moving on to my N2 review proper.

Do grammar books count? LOL. I currently have A Dictionary of Basic / Intermediate Japanese Grammar on my table, going through them first before moving on to my N2 review proper.

My watch list right now is as varied as my personality LOL. I've got Riverdale, 3D Kanojo Real Girl, Hell's Kitchen Season 17, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, and Wakako Zake.
Honestly, I never thought I'd like Jojo but watching it turned out to be really enjoyable. Suffice to say we're now a few episodes into Stardust Crusaders. As for 3D Kanojo, I'm glad the 2nd season leveled-up on the art department. The story is pretty good but... I mean, just look at the animation from the 1st season (a bit cringe-worthy in my opinion).
Hell's Kitchen and Wakako Zake because you know, food!
I'm absolutely liking some of the tracks from FF Type-0 HD OST, especially UTAKATA ~泡沫~. I've always loved the combination of orchestra and rock music.
To go to Japan this spring. But that's just totally impossible this year. I still need to save a lot of money for that. Next year maybe?
Looking forward to
A 2-day leave from work this February, getting my hair rebonded again, eating at Shinsen for the third time, and experiencing Fujinoya for the first time.
So, what have you been up to lately?