Heh, I think this the is the longest time I've been MiA. For like what, more than a month? Urgh... I got caught up with a lot more things for the past few weeks, and I have tons of backlogs now that I need to get posted. Heehee...
Anyway, to kick-start things off again, this post is about the award I received from Arya of The Certified Latebloomer -- The Versatile Blogger Award! Yay! Thank you so much Arya!

The rules for this award are:
- Thank the person who gave you this award.
- Include a link to their blog.
- Select 15 blog/bloggers that you've recently discovered or follow regularly.
- Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile blogger award.
- Finally, tell the person who nominated you, 7 things about yourself.
Okay, shall we start?
Once more, thank you Arya, for this nomination! This is really much appreciated, and to be honest, quite unexpected. Heheh~
Guys, please do check out her blog!
Now, for my nominees:
Ekai of Space and Randomness
Reika of Cosplay Rune
Hainrihi of Hainrihi's Discoveries
Winona of Sashimi Dolly
Ile of A Hint of Sunlight
Ada of Ada no Nikki
Bunni Hunni of Bunni Kisses
Arian of Dolcellita
Misha of The Touch of Yellow
Life as Art
Danitza of nyan-dany's blog
The Girl Can Rock
neeyd of mykawaiisecret blog
Thuy Vu of miss17february
Hmm... Seven things about myself?
1. Even though I have verrry oily skin, I seldom get breakouts.
2. I have this habit of picking (though not biting) at my nails when they get long.
3. I like wearing Chuck Taylors with almost anything. Yes, even with skirts and dresses.
4. I wanted to play drums more than anything else, that I considered buying a kit at one point (but it's damn expensive). Now, the only drums I can play is DrumMania. Hahaa~
5. I've always wanted to watch a rock concert. But sadly, it hasn't come true yet. Another entry in my bucket list, heheh~
6. I was a heavy drinker during my college days, heehee... But though I still drink, I now have low tolerance to alcohol.
7. I'm extremely shy and an introvert by nature, but when I'm with the people I like -- it's a riot! LOL!
1. Even though I have verrry oily skin, I seldom get breakouts.
2. I have this habit of picking (though not biting) at my nails when they get long.
3. I like wearing Chuck Taylors with almost anything. Yes, even with skirts and dresses.
4. I wanted to play drums more than anything else, that I considered buying a kit at one point (but it's damn expensive). Now, the only drums I can play is DrumMania. Hahaa~
5. I've always wanted to watch a rock concert. But sadly, it hasn't come true yet. Another entry in my bucket list, heheh~
6. I was a heavy drinker during my college days, heehee... But though I still drink, I now have low tolerance to alcohol.
7. I'm extremely shy and an introvert by nature, but when I'm with the people I like -- it's a riot! LOL!