30-Day Song Challenge: Day 12-14

8:29 PM

Ohai... Sorry for squeezing in three rules in a post. I get so freakin' tired easily lately (especially during workdays) that I tend to be lazy with my blog. Whenever I get home, I just want to gobble down my dinner (bad...), watch a few anime episodes, then have my date with the Sandman... I only seem to regain my energy during Fridays after work and weekends. Ohohoho~

Day 12: A song from a band you hate.

"Sweet Child O' Mine" by Guns N' Roses.

Ah, just for clarification... I don't really hate GNR, probably just a degree of dislike. I mean, honestly I find Axl Rose gorgeous and Slash's guitar riffs are cool... But that's it for me. Oh well...

(credits to GunsN'Roses for the video)

Day 13: A song that is a guilty pleasure.

"Living the Dream" by A1.

I'd actually feel a bit ashamed if someone discovers this on my playlist. Meheheh...

(credits to leannesg86 for the video)

Day 14: A song that no one would expect you to love.

"Return to Innocence" by Enigma.

I love the lyrics and the beat... Even though the chant parts are kinda annoying, I still like this song. It's very spiritual and nostalgic at the same time.

(credits to Spartacus967 for the video)

Ja ne!

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