I'm back here in Manila for another week of work, then I'm off again to Bulacan for our New Year celebration... Huzzah! I already miss my 'eat-sleep-read-sleep-eat' lifestyle
(good heavens, forgive me), and my sister's cooking
. I could almost swear I'll never get starved there...
Anyway, now that I'm back here, I'll have to do the cooking myself (or is it Paul? Mehehehe...).

I got back here yesterday and I was supposed to go to work today, had it not been for a little accident. I got three of the fingers on my right hand jammed while shutting the door of the van I rode in. Itai!
Yeah, yeah... that's so stupid of me, but accidents happen y'know.

They're still swollen and hurt a bit, especially the knuckles, but now I can manage typing slowly. I was kinda bored earlier and since I can't play bass for now, I turned to my next favorite thing to do. Eating!

Here are other Japanese snacks I currently love.
Got them from my last trip to Japan Home Centre in Greenhills.

Choco Pie love!
Choco Pie reminds me of Fibisco Choco Mallows, heehee! It's got white marshmallow sandwiched in soft cakes, covered with chocolate... So delicious!
This one is Mochi Choco Pie. It's chewy mochi with sweet Tiramisu cream filling, then covered with chocolate. Yummeh! So you should know by now that I'm a sucker for anything chocolate-covered, haha!