11:39 PMOhisashiburi desu ne!
It's been a long time since my last post, mainly because I feel too tired when I go home from work. Imagine, I face the PC and type on it for almost 8 hours (excluding the 1-hour lunch and occasional mini-breaks, heehee!), 5 days a week...
It's no wonder why sometimes I prefer to spend my time on my PSP, or reading books and magazines, or playing bass when I'm at home. Weekends are no different as I catch up on my zZzZs... LOL!

Lately, I've also got a lot of things on my mind. And I mean, a lot more than normal. There's also this severe emotional stress I got late this week...

One thing more, I was worried sick of my family almost getting trapped by the insane flooding in my hometown Calumpit, Bulacan due to typhoon Pedring (international name Nesat). Everything was on the news, it was so horrible. I experienced the wrath of Ondoy and the flooding it caused first-hand, but this one is worse. Never in my twenty-something years of existence had I imagined anything like that could happen. That even our old house will get flooded in almost waist-deep water. When I was finally able to call my sister, I was crying so hard even though she assured me they were all fine and that they took shelter in a third floor-room of a school nearby.
Now, the flood had subsided and people are trying to put things back to normal. But no matter how I look at it, this has forever changed their lives.
I thank God for keeping my family and friends safe all throughout this ordeal.
As for myself, I can say that I'm back to being normal (or abnormal, LOL!
). Gomen ne, but I'll make up for what was lost and start posting away!
Ja ne!