Of Lace and Lipstick...
6:37 PM
Black lace hoodie from Forever21 SM Megamall.
It's a plus-size, 1X which is the smallest I could find. A tad bit loose on me, but what the hell... I still love it! Just the right mix of romantic-girly-rocker style, which is sooo me!

My first Nyx product, their round lipstick in Georgia! Hai hai, I've been living under a rock these past few months. Har har har...

Got this from Digital Traincase when Ekai and I went to Phil-Cosmetics Expo 2011 at Megamall. We practically acted like ADHD kids as we were too excited checking out cool products from this shop, meheheheh...

Gah! There were sooo many shades to choose from, I almost had a headache! Too bad, we don't have enough okane that day. Fuuuu~

Anyway, I picked a pink lipstick and opted for a shimmery frosted one as I already have my fave matte one (Ever Bilena's Pink Flame). Even Ekai told me it looks good on me. Kyaaa! I'm so flattered! Hahahaa!

Pink lippie, pink eyemake, pink blouse. Guess what my favorite color is...