Wishes Fulfilled... Again! ~ ✿
12:55 AMWent to SM Megamall with my friends Ekai and Marnie after work, for some much-needed retail therapy! Tee-hee! Hai hai, that's just my excuse to shop since I can't resist Majo Majo's temptations...

The SA whom I talked about on one of my previous posts, her name is Claire, and she's so nice and kind enough to give all three of us a makeover! I soooo love it!

Too bad she will only be there until 05 September but we asked her to be our makeup artist for our company's Christmas party. Talk about excited! LOLZ!
Anyway, here's my loot for the day...
Majolook Illuminator in RS354
Lash Gorgeous Wing Neo
Honey Pump Gloss Neo in PK247
I actually got the lipgloss as a freebie! They currently have a promo wherein you get a free gloss for every mascara purchase... Suteki da ne?
Will be doing separate posts in the future...
Yesterday (12 August), me and Paul celebrated our 2nd year anniversary! Wow, it's been that long already! Looking forward to spending more loving years with him... Aww...

Ja ne!