Books + K-On Stuff = Happy Tuesday!
9:39 AMOh, when was the last time I read an 'actual' book? I think it was The Da Vinci Code, which was a few years back! Wow, poor me...

Stuff from yesterday...
So, I'm pretty glad I got these books from one of my senior colleagues (senior, in the sense that she has been in the company far longer than me...) which are sold for Php80 (hardbound) and Php40 (paperback). What a steal! Sugoi desu ne?

Noticed something? Yes, both books have something about food or eating! Just look at the titles! Ehehehee...

Pads: mousepad and notepad
They all look sooo adorable! But my fave is Mio, of course...
I don't really like the cover though...
Chibi K-On... Waaaaiii!
I got the mousepad as part of a '2 for Php50' deal. The other one has a Yuuki Cross (Vampire Knight) design, which should be happy with Ekai now. Ehehehee... The notepad is sold for Php79.
よーし! That's it for now... Ja ne!